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morceau du jour: Tussilago and the Ja Ja Jas

Did you know that babies are born without knee caps? They apparently only grow between age 2 to 6. Now, I don’t actually know if that is 100% correct in medical terms but now that I got your attention let me point you in the direction of Tussilago, a rather exciting young group of musicians from the beautiful country of Sweden. Where presumably most people go through their days with two healthy knee caps. Tussilago then fuse one the most addictable riffs and pop vibes seen in a while. Vast and wide while being intimately warm around the ears.

Quite fittingly then, nordic team Ja Ja Ja added them to their latest line up of shows which sees the coltsfooted Swedes playing Hamburgs fine Molotow club tomorrow, 9 March, alongside hot shots LISS and dePresno. For the gig in Berlin on Thursday Danish sensations Blaue Blume will be added to the ticket too, find all info here. Attached below is Tussilago’s latest gem, Zilverkraut. Poule says, right in the kisser, Ja Ja Ja.

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