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SPOT Festival 2016: Palace Winter

Palace-Winter_by_Robert_Lund-3The winter nights of May are ever so lovely in the Danish town that is Aarhus. SPOT Festival is only a mere fortnights away and Team Poule is properly pumped to drive up north. Among the golden ones in the line up are Copenhagen duo Palace Winter – who just vient de releasing a new single! HW Running is an homage to the movie There Will Be Blood, and as the band explains: “H.W. becomes the personification of the themes of this song with his love for his father and the tension between them as a clear reference point in the lyrics.”

This track really catapults them onto a whole new level, it feels like. The songwriting and composition are just perfect, great tempo, epic build up. They’re gonna be a must-see in Aarhus this year, playing Voxhall on Saturday night, 23h30. Their debut album Waiting for the World to Turn is set to be released June 3rd on super label Tambourhinoceros. Team Poule says, get ready, because they will be packing heavy.

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