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morceau du jour: Palace Winter – Take Shelter

Danish Australian powerhouse Palace Winter has had a great 2017 and spent the better part of it working on new tunes and packaging those synths and chord lines into handy pop songs. They announced the product of which, their new album Nowadays with a delivery date for May the 4th (be with you) via the infamous Tambourhinoceros in Copenhagen.

With it comes their grand new single TakeShelter, attached below at your convenience. The track features their trademark keys and drums as well as their miles deep synth operations, opening a dark abyss of grief, confronting death and the shelters we build for ourselves, an abyss of fire and fury if you will. The good news doesn’t end there. The group will take this bad boy on a tour throughout Europe this March, with Amsterdam, Brussels, Reading, London and Manchester on the itinerary. Team Poule says, what better way to start the day.

Photo credits go to Jasper Spanning for this one.

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