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morceau du jour: a playlist for your Sunday-needs

interstate_80_santa_cruz-(1) (1)In an attempt to get the ever intangible world of new music under control, Team Poule has put together a little playlist to serve your very own Sunday-needs. Consider this the equivalent of having a hot and fresh pizza delivered to your doorstep. A playlist containing very exciting new music, curated by your favorite Poule d’Or. So all you need to do now, really, is make yourself comfortable, hit play, and enjoy hot and fresh tunes making your eardrums vibrate in a very pleasing way.

Now, and who knows. This might even become a full-on series so stay tuned to the relevant Soundcloud outlet. This one features stellar tracks by Hamburg locals Gatwick, by October Glow, Viigo, Norway’s Kakkmaddafakkas latest, The Work Drugs, Native People and really, many more. Hit play right here, it’s the orange button with a white triangle inside.

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