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premiere du jour: Hellas – POP (video)

Icy tunes and icy times ahead. Here comes Danish ambient-fused duo Hellas with their newest hazy tune POP, topped with crisp visuals and storytelling for their new video shot by William Wivel on 16mm in Toronto, part I of which is attached below for a Poule d’Or premiere. Hellas are a Peter on piano and Jeppe on drums, and together they just have a good old go at it, pushing boundaries in the process.

POP comes off their EP with the same name from a couple of months ago. And if you think, well this is all really nice, rest assured that what you hear has been “exclusively played on acoustic, prepared grand piano and drums, and it is all played live. No dubs, no synths, no editing what so ever.”, as the group emphasizes. Astonishing, really. And wrapped in lo-fi aesthetics below. Team Poule says, quite the heavyweight!

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