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morceau du jour: Breton – Sticker Factory

breton-crabEeek – most parts of Northern Europe are currently experiencing the natural forces of Xaver, which is how German meteorologists named the first heavy storm of this winter. I hear Sweden went with Sven. Isn’t that peculiar? Either way, it’s this semi-apocalyptic setup into which London’s Breton sent over their new EP Force Of Habit. A prelude, a big setting-the-scene for their upcoming second studio album War Room Stories to be released in February.

So Force Of Habit has four songs, and they are all among the best shit this year has brought. Which is somewhat amazing. The lads did record their new album in Berlin this summer, and thinking this is what didn’t make the cut is just spectacular. Attached is Sticker Factory, stream the whole EP here. [tweetable hashtag=”@bretonlabs #pouledor”]Force Of Habit is a force of nature[/tweetable], out December 16th.

Similar tracks to this one, curated by Team Poule

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