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Popular Vote: a playlist for your holiday commute

Driving home for Christmas? Team Poule has got you covered well with a new playlist to serve all your holiday needs. Popular Vote is a collection of 17 songs, accumulated over the past month. New names, old names, names to remember.

First on the ticket are Aarhus’ Lowly, a group of music students who have been Lowly for some time and will release their debut album early next year. Up next come Plant Eater, a sort of trip-hop group out of Portland OR who just released an album last month. After that, a dream pop number by Melbourne’s Polykite who had a debut EP out at the end of October. Malmö’s Echo Ladies follow up, a strong dream pop group with a debut to be released next year.

Pittsburgh’s wwoman share a great lo-fi pop track, check their colour cassettes that make a fitting Christmas present. Closely are up next, an engaging indie electronic trio out of Toronto. Back to Europe after that for Amsterdam’s Dakota, a quartet fusing a delicately produced lo fi pop, and a new EP out. Next come Viigo, a versatile LA/New Jersey trio ranging from glitchy electro to more poppy angles.

Los Angeles’ producer Kauf serves the next song, off his to be released debut album. Next up, Bitter Pill, a catchy experimental group of Oakland. Find after that, Wolverhampton producer Callum Drummond and his mellow beats. London power group Archivist are filed right next, strong.

The back five are led by Midnight Mystery Club, a poppy dream wave solo band out of San Luis Obispo. Next is Psychic Shakes, a fuzzy indie solo project from Southampton. Edmonton’s Tropic Harbour share a dreamy wavey tune off their new album which came out in October after that. Next, Los Angeles’ songwriter Xander Singh adds a track off his just released debut album. Finally, former Waylayers singer and Blakey form London shares a poppy number off his solo works.

And there you have it, 17 tracks that could make a Christmas commute even more worthwhile, a collection of young and rising talents, moving forward, making a collective progress. Team Poule says, let’s go.

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