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premiere du jour: IAMBEAR – Kattegatt Vol. 2

iambearSeptember 1st, when the sun turned, and days have already started getting shorter while the nights are just getting longer again. In this setup of long shadows and orange skies comes the second release in Swedish producer IAMBEAR’s Kattegatt series. Vol. 2 serves as a perfect companion for your warm indian summer evening, sipping rosé, treating yourself to the grand things in life. Thus, attached below the exclusive premiere – alongside Swedish site Popmuzik – of title track Kattegatt and the encrypted 001.

Now, Vol. 1 came out in August via heavyweights Ja Ja Ja and the frosty back three of the five volumes series will be out throughout this month. The album, then, to see the days of light and life on October 7th via Swedish label Sommarhjärta. Team Poule says, you push my buttons IAMBEAR.

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