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morceau du jour: Germany Germany – If I Stay feat. Kotomi

germanygermanyThe man, the legend, Germany Germany is about to squeeze out his not eighth or ninth but tenth (sic!) album with a release date set for late November. Now, having started his business around the time Team Poule commenced this little shenanigan, it’s been truly epic to witness his project developing, growing and evolving never being finished, always on the run, trying out new things.

His tenth album is titled Willow and the gems that are already out in the public suggest that Sir Germany Germany has done it again. Carried by his stellar production, the layers of electronic and pop vibes meld together perfectly, creating a beautiful dreamy take of the electro pop spectrum. Attached below is If I Stay featuring the always lovely, always on-point Kotomi, her voice so gently matching Germany Germany’s soft and distinct works.

Willow will be out November 20th, available – along with a range of older Germany Germany releases – via Bandcamp.

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