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SPOT Festival 2014: My Heart The Brave

Spot-Festival-640pxSo this year a long time dream of Team Poule finally becomes reality when we will pack our little blog van and drive up to Aarhus for SPOT Festival. One of the most prestigious indie festivals there are in Europe I reckon, taking place around Aarhus’ Musikhallen May 1-4. It really is a shame to admit that Team Poule has never been there before as it really only is a 3,5-hour drive from our Hamburg headquarters.

So this year then! One band we totally cannot wait to see perform out of this almost exclusively Danish line-up is My Heart The Brave from Copenhagen. Who have been releasing pleasant little electropop treasures for the past 12 months. Among them the great Keep Me From It which they shared for the 12th Poule d’Or Compilation back in January – still up as a free download. Their latest single Meditation One is attached below and they have an EP out of iTunes, Spotify, etc. Snag that. I haven’t been able to get my hands on a time table, but these guys WILL play and Team Poule cannot waittt.

My Heart The Brave are playing SCC on Saturday afternoon, 17h15.

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