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morceau du jour: Sandra Kolstad – Run Away + WIN TICKETS!!

sandrakolstadRemember that “controversial” video by Sandra Kolstad? I bet you do. And while her new album is pretty amazing, it’s her live shows that make the difference. She has been touring the US and Canada for the last couple of weeks and next week her flying circus is gonna stop in the old country again: playing Hamburg‘s Astra Stube on Tuesday, April 2nd. What better way to start a four-day week after Easter!?

As always, Poule d’Or readers are in luck. Comment on this post for 2×2 tickets for the Astra Stube gig. Make sure you use an email address where we can reach you (obviously). Submissions close Tuesday 15h00. Run Away.

UPDATE: Just learned that Justin Bieber is in town the same day – sorry Sandra. #bieberfever

3 comments… add one
  • nevs March 28, 2013, 9:48 am

    ich ich ich

  • Sverris March 28, 2013, 10:59 am

    Heia Norge!

  • Basti April 2, 2013, 11:53 am

    sounds interesting. I would go :-)

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