New York’s enchanting duo Junior Prom shared a track on Poule d’Or 10 and now finally released their debut EP. 5 great electropop songs, sort of in the Friendly Fires vein. Loving it. Just read through the track list and you’re already entertained: Sheila Put The Knife Down. Shoot The Guitar Player. That is prime stuff right there. So now listening to their great self-titled EP Team Poule is somewhat shocked to see they only attract a mere 189 fans on the facebook – which as you know is the only true gauge of popularity.
Still, they still seem to fly under the radar while they’d probably be appealing to a much bigger audience. Their EP is out now for free on their bandcamp page – and of course you can still grab them on Poule d’Or 10 via that shiny side bar to your left. Attached is Sheila Put The Knife Down – the EP’s opening track.