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Pouliversary – Poule d’Or turns 3 !

flow2012Congratulations to us – Poule d’Or is turning three years old today!! The past year was the most exciting one yet for a number of reasons:

2012 was the year, Poule d’Or relaunched on a wordpress.org platform. Look around, good looking Poule hey?

2012 was the year, you guys downloaded the 9.000th compilation! Thanks so much for still being interested, for downloading, for sharing. It’s so much fun!! Two new compilations last year, 9 and 10. Still up for grabs, find all of them nice and clean here.

2012 was the year, we added a writer: my friend Chin is running our New Frontier segment – really proud of the nuggets she’s is digging up there, check it out. Make sure you follow her on twitter too!

2012 was the year, we covered three major festivals as members of the press – SXSW in March, Flow in August and Reeperbahn in September. Fantastic festivals, all of them. It’s so much fun taking this offline and outside the bandcamp, Soundcloud universe.

2012 was the year, I had a conversation with Feist – and didn’t realize until months later. Not sure what that says about the degree of professionalism here at Poule d’Or – or about Feist’s chatty skills to be honest..

So, 2012 was the best year yet really. Can’t wait to get this fourth year started, really excited! Cheers to four more years! Wink. Let’s get it started with the amazing Duck House, who I’m really excited to hear more from this year. Here is Run – free for download too!

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