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Rad & New: Work Drugs – Absolute Bearing

I often wonder what bands think about their own fans. Like, actually think. Sure, they usually say they love playing {insert your city} but you can’t really pick the audience you attract. So when you play a show and you are actually face-to-face with your beloved supporters, it’s the moment of truth. What kind of people show up? What do they look like? Are they cool hipsters? Or pale loners? (No offense, pale loners).

So when Work Drugs played a gig in their hometown and this happened: Do you have Photos of the couple who legit did it in the middle of The Barbary last night? – it raises more questions than it answers really. For all parties involved. Well, except the couple maybe.

It does say an awful lot about Work Drugs and their (quite obviously) irrestibly smooth sounds. The duo has a new album out packed with dreamy pop songs entitled Absolute Bearing – which needs no further introduction now, as it were those songs that led to the aforementioned incident. So head over bandcamp, grab a copy and see what happens. Good luck.


More Work Drugs on Poule d’Or.

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