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morceau du jour: Shoreline Is – New Fields

Sweet baby Jesus. Shoreline Is are somewhat of a phenomenon. See, they just released their debut LP Deal Kindly on bandcamp, stuffed with dream pop’ish songs and it’s really good. Like, fantastic. Now this is when the peculiar kicks in: they are German! That’s a bit of a surprise. Right?! Four guys, hailing from the improbable city of Dortmund – which could NOW well become Germany’s Manchester. For many reasons (looking at you football fans). So, this is maybe my favorite song from the album – maybe because it’s just a very pleasant listen all the way and I can’t really pick THE song.

This is New Fields – stream/buy the great album on bandcamp.

[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/48519778″ iframe=”true” /]

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