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Air Bag One on synths, healthy chickens and not doing laundry

air_bagInformation is king. And looking to diversify the multitude of sources to dig for new music, Team Poule found a fair opportunity in Tradiio. And look who the tide brought in: french ensemble and our old pals Air Bag One. The team reshuffled themselves a little bit recently and are now operating as a duo.

Now, the team have played a grand US tour and SXSW this year, spent some time in the studio and released this pop banger 1992 – attached below at your convenience. All this fuzz was reason enough for Team Poule to get to the bottom of this, and hear what Air Bag One are all about.

What is the last thing you ate?

Chicken Byriani (almost like every day at lunch) in a restaurant down our music studio in Paris. It’s quite tasteless though, but there’s a big sign « EAT HEALTHY, BE HAPPY » in front of it, so we probably just fell into the trap.

You have travelled quite a lot this year, is that something you enjoy or do you prefer being in the studio?

Of course we love travelling ! It was crazy for us to discover the U.S, a country that we only knew through movies and music. There is no routine when you’re on tour, no laundry or dishes. Sometimes you don’t even know what day it is ! It helps to keep on being creative, and playing our music every night was an incredible experience. We learned a lot. But we’re definitely studio guys too, as we can spend a week producing a drum beat or making a transition between two parts of a song. Let’s say that studio and touring are just complementary.

What does your composing process look like?

It’s a mess. We generally start from a piece of idea (bass line, synth gimmick, guitar chords…) on which we try plenty of different things. We stack layers and layers on the track, to finally take them all off, and start again… It’s a non stop creation-destruction process that last until we have something we are really proud of, even if it takes months to finish a song, and most of the time the final result is completely different than the original idea !

Did your approach to making music evolve over the years?

More than definitely. Our approach evolved because when we started this band, none of us really knew where to go musically, and through years we developed our own method and language. Sometimes we don’t even have to talk to each other… just like telepathy or something. And it’s probably gonna change again in the future ! Our minds are changing so do our ears. It’s a perpetual cycle.

What would be the ideal environment to listen to you music?

We think that pop music is about stimulating simple emotions of life that speak to anyone and makes you feel better. In other words, if your feelings are fitting with the song, this is the ideal environment !

If you could travel in space and time, where would you go?

Well, probably planet Earth, Jurassic time, just because we love Dinosaurs. One of us even has a tattoo of an Archeopteryx on his arm ! Terrible creature…

The dinosaur, that is. Thanks for taking the time guys. In the meantime, check their rich repertoire, on their website or see their Tradiio hub

Similar tracks to this one, curated by Team Poule

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