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Rad & New: Dead Young Friends – Everything You Want Destroys What Others Have

dead_young_friendsYou know that moment when you are at home with a mate, and you hit play on a song, and on the first riff look at each other, silently, talking with your eyes for literally a second, still, and then just start dancing out of control, jumping up and down? Neither do I. But I figure this EP Everything You Want Destroys What Others Have by Dead Young Friends might just do the trick. Dead Young Friends, that’s Brooklyn’s Jorge Strofer, originally from the Dominican Republic, offering a neat mix of classic rock and 90s shoegaze into a very enjoyable modern almost indie pop sound. The band actually dates back to 2009 but only released their debut album last year. This now, is their fantastic follow-up release.

Attached is the very catchy opening track, Inside Your Head. Snag the entire EP over at the bandcamp.

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