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morceau du jour: Dinner – Girl

Ohne TitelDenmark, land of perfection. Cozy social system, more bike than car lanes and beautiful people – everywhere! Enter: Dinner, one-eyed hipster from Copenhagen. But Anders Rhedin isn’t just easy on the eye(s). His dark voice evolving around pop soundscapes: spectacular.

Coincidentally, Dinner has a new EP coming out – tomorrow. And if you happen to be in Berlin tomorrow, celebrate the occasion with him and our friends of No Fear of Pop and Nordic by Nature.

3 comments… add one
  • Jasmine Pasquill April 26, 2013, 10:10 am

    EP Artwork by: Jasmine Pasquill
    If you are interested in my work, please feel free to email me, but sorry, no one else is entitled to a milky white eye for the rest of my earthly existence.

    • poule April 26, 2013, 10:22 am

      Cheers to you Jasmine !

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