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New Frontier: Sohn

A new week, a new musical journey. This time to London-raised and Vienna-based singer and producer Sohn who describes himself as ‘an old-school songwriter who happens to love electronic instruments’. ‘The Wheel’ is the debut single of his first EP, to be released November 5th. And I have to say.. it’s a melancholic masterpiece. This dreamy and catchy tune makes me forget about everything.

Listen and enjoy.

[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60989516″ iframe=”true” /]

A bit darker track is ‘Oscillate’

[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/56460553″ iframe=”true” /]

Similar tracks to this one, curated by Team Poule

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