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Flow Festival 2012: Tiiu Helinä

It’s Flow week, one more day til Helsinki. Here is another local gem spotted in the line-up: Tiiu Helinä. Electronic folk, at its finest. No idea what it is she is singing about – Finnish (Suomi?) is the strangest language. It doesn’t look like anything familiar and has ridiculously long words of nothing but ä and ö. Don’t even try to pronounce it. However, Tiiu’s music is well worthwhile and a debut album is up in the making. She is playing Wastelands (an übercool venue around a vintage gasometer, with a colour-changing balloon-like roof: EPIC!) on Sunday, 17h00.

[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/16807812″ iframe=”true” /]

All Poule d’Or picks for Flow Festival here.

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