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morceau du jour: Total Warr – xxx HATE xxx

So, Total Warr are easily one of the most exciting bands in the world – IN THE WORLD! When you find your inbox flooded with new music every day, only a few bands remain whose new releases will really tickle your plumage. But Kiki and Guigui of french drum-pop ensemble Total Warr cause severe excitement everytime they drop a new track. And do you know when people are playing the hot and cold game with you? Like, not answering to calls or texts? Total Warr are a bit like that. Their music is irresistible, so they can get away with that behaviour. They do emphasize though that we can “hate their band” and “hate their music” and that they don’t even need our friendship. Offensive! Yet, makes you want (to listen to) them even more.

Their new EP Corbay will be out in time for summer. Download their new single xxx HATE xxx through Stereogum.

Total Warr – xxx HATE xxx

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