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New album: Hanne Kolstø – Riot Break

Some fresh pop tunes coming our way from Norway. Riot Break is Hanne Kolstø’s debut solo album and has been out in Norway for over half a year. Now it’s finally trickling down its way into mainland Europe. Its 10 songs are not just your average Scandinavian pop sound with a hint of electronic beats, although there is a lot of that and it does sound mad fresh – see for instance the attached single below. But Hanne also throws in some more quiet and more introspective tunes like Hide & Seek or Black Hand. Norwegian daily Morgenbladet quite precisely wrote “Riot Break is the record, which Björk would have never been able to make, although she had promised it to us already 15 years ago.” Now, I’m not too familiar with Björk’s work other than that she likes wearing swans, but Riot Break is quite a brilliant collection of melodic pop songs.

It is out this Friday on Karmakosmetix Records. Her first single Don’t Want To Be Happy In The Moment, I Want It To Last can be downloaded for free over at our friends of Nordic By Nature.

Hanne Kolstø – Don’t Want To Be Happy In The Moment, I Want It To Last | buy Riot Break.

[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28609437″ iframe=”true” /]

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