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2nd Pouliversary

Poule d’Or is two years old today – Happy Birthday! Coming from an overwhelming first year, these last 12 months turned out to have in store even more memorable moments.

First and most importantly, a huge Thanks to you for following Poule d’Or, for being interested, for downloading a total of more than 6.000 compilations and for making it this amazing experience. Thank you for making Poule d’Or what it is.

The absolute highlight of the last year was the first Poule d’Or show here in Hamburg, hosted at the prestigious Astra Stube. Massive thanks to Sameblod and Summer Heart for coming all the way from Sweden to play for an almost sold out crowd. Thanks to everyone who came out that night, it was SO much fun. The biggest Thank You goes out to the lovely Haina at Originalton for making it all possible: Danke Haina!

Further special thanks for making 2011 unforgettable go to Anh Phi for a funny afternoon in HD, to Camille & Sarah for being charivari, to Bravestation for letting me crash in their hotel room in Manchester, to Drew and Nathan for a great time in the cafés of Paris, to Sway and Freedom Or Death for playing the best acoustic set I have ever seen (still sorry for bailing on Berlin), to Stefan and The Cads for playing more shows in Hamburg than in the UK (feels like it at least), to David and The Lost Crew for introducing me to Swedish cider, to Mikael, Frederick, IsaacAlexander, Daniel and David (again) for the most amazing weekend in Hamburg, to Sutja and his entourage for a Spanish night lost in translation, to Vicente for making a stop in Hamburg, to Gary and Is Tropical for looking like a german lesbian wearing my glasses and for the football sticker of Uwe Seeler, to Nina & Steffi for being awesome by nature, to Lucy for always being one step ahead of me and a constant source of inspiration, and finally to the 25 bands and artists that shared a track for a compilation in 2011. Thank you all!

The new year 2012 promises to be exciting too. The entire team of Poule d’Or will be flying over to Austin in March and rock out at SXSW – really excited for that! If you’re in the area, let me know!

Happy 2012!

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