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morceau du jour: Elizabeth Rose – Throw Me To The Stars

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Elizabeth Rose – Throw Me To The Stars | download on soundcloud

Elizabeth Rose has this new track out, a real beauty. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg as it’s part of a really astonishing project Absent Fever has going on called Woman Was The Word:

Woman Was the Word is a project Tyler and I (Tyler of Flashlight Tag and Eloise of verb/re/verb; ed.) envisioned in observation of the nature in which women are present in the art world, specifically in regards to music. We found that though women are present, their presence is often unknown or unrecognized. While most fields are male dominant, this may not be entirely true in visual arts and music. (…..)

Seriously, check this out. It’s proper art, not the bloggy blog kind of art going on most of the time. They went the extra extra mile for this one. Great music, fantastic visuals and some really nice poems as well. Click click.

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