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Great Compilations – Elsewhere

If you dig a good mixtape, you definitely don’t want to sleep on these delicious selections.


Über-fresh music blog No Modest Bear put together a 60 minutes mixtape for the hotter than hell fashion label Forty Ounce. Includes Com Truise, Hard Mix, Teel and more. Grab it here.


Two of the Poule’s favorite music blogs Flashlight Tag and East To West strapped together 12 fabulous Australian pop songs. Really, really great selection. Get it here.


The first Distorted Disco Records compilation. Christmas-themed but still mad fresh. Find The Lost Crew, Sutja and of course Germany Germany on here.


Fellow German and Norwegian musical bloggers Henning and Tonje collected 14 songs from strictly Norwegian musicians and compiled them to Norwegian Inquiries Vol. 1. Grab it at NoFearOfPop.net. A second volume dropped in early January.

2 comments… add one
  • DenALain February 8, 2011, 1:14 am

    Norwegian Inquiries = love it

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