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Have you met Tom of Munch Munch?

Browsing through the local concert line-ups, the Poule stumbled upon a familiar name: Munch Munch. According the always accurate data miner that is last.fm, their song ‘Wedding’ rotated a lot in January. Sadly, the song -and for that matter Munch Munch- then got lost in the abyss of the ever-expanding iTunes library. Checking their social media outlets now, the Poule had to realize to have slept on Munch Munch the entire summer.. they accumulated quite a fan base since January and they claim several articles in popular magazines their own. They also played “some” festival called SXSW in March. After having toured the UK this fall, they now cross the canal to take their circus to mainland Europe. Lucky us. Their debut album “Double Visions” will be released through Upset The Rhythm on November 29th. Order your copy here.

Munch Munch – Cyclorama | bandcamp

Introduce yourselves please, who are you and who does what?

Jack – He plays drums and some xylophone and glockenspiel and also a bit of keyboard

Sarah – She plays keyboard

Rich – He plays drums

James – He is playing bass on this tour

Tom – I sing and also play keyboard


Where did you meet each other?

We met in Bristol, bumping into each other at different gigs and meeting through various friends.


What does your recording process look like?

For our album, we recorded all the drums in a studio in Bristol, then keyboards and percussion in a studio in London, then all the vocals and a few extra bits at home. The process started out with some quite detailed demos, and then we tried to recreate these using better instruments and recording equipment. Lyrics were mainly written at the last minute in some late night brainstorming sessions.


What are major influences to your sound?

Roxy Music, Burt Bacharach, Sparks, Todd Rundgren, stuff that is put together in an interesting way rather than being too straightforward.


What would be the ideal environment to listen to your music?

On some big speakers. Nothing is that soft on our album so you may as well listen to it loud.


Are there any producers or artists you would like to collaborate with?

I think it would be interesting to collaborate with a producer who had a really clear original vision of what they were trying to do. Someone like Phil Spector or Brian Eno.

What do you do to have fun? Besides music.

I like windsurfing. And watching films.

I found there’s a cafe in Bristol called Munch Munch. Is there a connection to you guys?

No connection! I hadn’t heard of that one. I know there’s one in London. It’s funny. Maybe we will get more fans that way if people think they are going to a cafe but end up at our gig!

What animal would you adopt (if you could any) and why?

I’m not really into having animals as pets. I don’t understand the way people personify them and imagine them to have human emotions. They should just be allowed to run free like on dog island! (http://www.thedogisland.com/)

What are your plans for the rest of the year and 2011?


We are playing some more shows, and doing some more recordings and videos!

Thank you!

facebook / MySpace / bandcamp

Check their dates on MySpace. Some selected gigs: they’ll be in Hamburg at Astra Stube Nov. 29th, in Berlin at Marie Antoinette Nov. 30th, in Paris at Flèche d’Or Dec 9th and finish off in Gent at Cafe Video Dec 12th.

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