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Photo-Interview #4: Sutja Gutierrez of The Fruhstucks

[bandcamp album=4198068320 size=venti bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB]

The Fruhstucks are without a doubt one of my favorite bands this year. If you pay any attention to what Poule d’Or is about, you will know why. Their EP ‘Parade, I Don’t Care’ became a crucial ingredient of every iTunes playlist I put together and it’s still spinning regularly. Magic Dust can be found on the fifth Poule d’Or mix too. Right now, Miguel and Sutja are mastering their vinyl debut which is to be released sometime in the first months of 2011 via Race Car Productions.

Here is another photo-interview, a new tradition on Poule d’Or started by Porcelain Raft back in April. Get to know Sutja Gutierrez of The Fruhstucks:

Where are you from?

I’m from Vinaros a little town in Spain at the Mediterranean Sea, sick and little.. but handy.

What was the first record you owned?

Blonde on blonde – Bob Dylan, I really like it but I’m not totally in love with the Dylan world.

Where did you meet Miguel and how do you complete each other?

Just one year looking for musicians to make a band.. and Miguel now is my big brother, just remote mailing and some distance…internet is another big world, fake and real at the same time.

What does your “studio” look like?

My room is my studio, nothing special.. just guitar, vinyl, book, digital instruments.. etc.

What inspires you? What is your ambition?

My inspiration is my ambition, and my ambition is: don’t stop creating things, feelings or not, loving or not, I can’t stop to create, think, and see the world with my own eyes.. the band and the tour, offer me the possibility to make my vision reach the people.. and the better on this is the appreciation of your eyes.

What feeling do you want to carry to the listener?

Just feel “My mind is open” and “I’m Nothing Special” just feeling like my dog Nina.

She’s like a girlfriend.

Are there any producers or artists you would like to collaborate with?

Yes, sure. But some of this “artists” are jerks or too VIP to talk with me. But I’d like to collaborate with everyone who wants to make creative things with me.

What’s the view from your kitchen window?

Nothing special on this place, but in the beach house you can see this:

What do you do to have fun?

You want the typical response? Yeah surfing, watching TV, getting drunk… bla bla. Not on this life, I just want rest easy and complete with the things I like in my life. Just feel the life and the imaginary love.

Thanks for taking the time!

Really, thanks to be interested in my way of life.

(photo by Mercedes Hausmann)

Well, the photos are saying it all really. Wonderful. Listen to their music on bandcamp. Feel the love.

Besides his works with Miguel, Sutja has released a solo track entitled “Leef I Yaw Eht” (The Way I Feel backwards). Download here and also check out the beautiful video by Gabriela Rouiller:
[vimeo 15780505]

all photos by Sutja Gutierrez, except where noted differently.

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