[bandcamp album=2377896073 size=venti bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB]
The journey of GOLD ZEBRA has been well covered by the Poule. The fellow golden ones contributed Six Years to the second compilation and Trans Desert -quoting myself here: “an epic 9 minute 14 seconds voyage through a wonderfully crafted synthie Kraftwerk-esque world of sound”- found his way into the iTunes libraries of alert Poule d’Or readers too.
Julie and JP Richard have now released their debut EP with the accurate title ‘Debut EP’ on bandcamp. If you have a thing for dark-disco electronic music with dreamy vocals, you don’t wanna miss out on this. The EP features Six Years and Trans Desert as well as 4 shiny new tracks. It’s streamed for free and the mp3 version could be yours for just $3CAD – roughly as much as two cheeseburgers. Your investment decision should be obvious.