There are lots of posts out there about who to watch in the next couple of months. I came across The Vanish sometime in April last year when they created quite a buzz in the blogosphere. I was waiting for them to get big in 09 but they literally “vanished” for the rest of the year. They are Australian as far as i know but are based in New York right now. Anyway, looks like things got moving again in the last weeks. Sources say they finished artwork and have a photo shoot scheduled for this very weekend. Exciting news! The tracks “Hold On” and “Heartbeat” actually date back from April 09 and made some top-tracks-of-the-year lists. Listen on their myspace page. There are two more tracks out there that i know of, “I Don’t Speak French” and “Children of the Night” which is my favorite. Search hypem to find cooler blogs who posted them. New stuff coming soon?