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morceau du jour: Mile Me Deaf – Holodeck

Good news coming out of Austria! Haven’t read that in a while have we. Old mate Wolfgang here going by his stage name of Mile Me Deaf, is up to something though. With a number of releases under his belt and highly decorated production work for Voodoo Jürgens and others, he produces a unique mix of fuzzy electronics and booming bass lines on his new tracks, only to unleash a raw math rock type of gazing rave.

Ultimately lush and luring then, and with striking visuals too. His latest piece Holodeck just came out via the grand Siluh Records and is attached below. The accompanying video is well worth a visit, shot entirely on S-VHS and synthesized afterwards, all directed by the talented Kevin Pham, who is also currently touring with him. Their glitch heaven is scheduled to arrive in Eindhoven, May 23, Rotterdam, May 24, Göttingen May 25 and finally Linz May 28. Mile Me Deaf’s new album ECCO is penciled for delivery in spring 2020.

Photo credits go to the incredible Beate Ponsold.